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Understanding the FTC’s New Ruling: Implications for Wealth Management Advisors

Protect Your Clients. Protect Your Business.

James Fisher, JD - VP of Mergers and Acquisitions at FP Transitions
Matthew A. Swendiman, JD, CFA - Chief Executive Officer at Key Bridge Compliance
Geoff Schiveley, JD - VP of Legal at FP Transitions
Stuart Smith, JD - Senior Consultant at FP Transitions

Join our in-depth discussion where we unpack the latest FTC ruling that effectively bans most noncompete agreements. This is an essential conversation for wealth management advisors seeking to understand the implications of these regulatory changes and how to navigate them.

Our panel of experts will break down:

  • A comprehensive understanding of the new FTC ruling and what impacts it will have on advisory firms
  • How to implement strategies to stay compliant, safeguard your value, and protect client relationships
  • The steps your firm should take to address existing noncompete agreements

Don't miss this opportunity to equip your firm with the knowledge and strategies needed to navigate these significant regulatory changes. Gain Access Now!

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