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James Fisher, JD

James Fisher, JD

VP of Mergers & Acquisitions / Principal

From flying seaplanes, shipwreck diving, riding a gondola in Hong Kong to see the Tian Tan Buddha statue, or standing inside the pyramid of Khafre in Egypt, James is always ready for the next great adventure.

James was a financial enforcement officer for the State of Oregon’s Division of Finance and Corporate Securities (now the Division of Financial Regulations), where he was tasked with, among other things, enforcing Oregon’s statutes and administrative rules relating to securities and commodities. 


Prior to joining FP Transitions, James was an attorney at a mid-sized law firm, primarily litigating cases involving airplane and helicopter crashes nationwide. After a chance seat assignment next to our president, David Grau Sr., on a flight from Minneapolis, James decided to trade in the courtroom for greater adventures of assisting FPT’s clients. As head of the Transactions team, his experience navigating complex legal issues and as a securities regulator, allows him to quickly understand and resolve any client concerns and challenges that may arise. 


James, who is a commercial pilot, flight instructor, certified scuba diver, amateur mechanic, and general tinkerer, loves talking airplanes, classic cars (including the 1966 Mustang he and his wife are rebuilding in their garage), and his life growing up in the Florida Keys. When not up in the clouds, working on the Mustang, or dreaming of the island life, James enjoys exploring Oregon’s trails and beaches with his wife, daughter, and their German shepherd/golden retriever shelter dog. In his spare time, James also teaches aviation law as an adjunct professor at two of Oregon’s three law schools and serves as legal counsel for a local aviation nonprofit.


James has a business degree from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University and a law degree from Willamette University. He is a member of the Oregon State Bar.

James’s Resources


Mid-Year Market Update - Key Insights


Leveraging the FPT Open-Market Advantage


Recap of the FPT 2022 M&A Market Update


Strength in the Marketplace


Why Your Next-Gen Stakeholders Should Be a Part of Your M&A Discussions


What Makes a Firm Desirable?


A Market Update from James Fisher, JD (May 2023)


Avoiding Deal Fatigue


Beyond Size and AUM: Qualities of an Exceptional Buyer


Addressing Capacity and Scalability for Acquisition Success


2022 FPT Market Update


Qualities of a Successful Buyer


Mid-Year Market Update (2021) - Key Insights


The Sell and Stay® Approach - May 2020