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Kestra Advisors

Building Sustainable Enterprises

Dedicated to the advancement and sustainability of the wealth management industry, FP Transitions transforms practices into thriving businesses through proper entity structure, intelligent compensation design, and equity pathways that allow a smooth transition of ownership while increasing firm value.


Enjoy our curated resources for consulting, M&A, succession planning, valuation & member services.

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Three Pillars of a Successful Advisory Business

Three Pillars of a Successful
Advisory Business

The foundation of a strong, valuable, fast-growing business lies in reinforcing –or rebuilding–your organizational structure, entity structure, and compensation structure.

Wealth Management Foundations for Intentional Growth

Wealth Management Foundations
for Intentional Growth

Creating a growth strategy is not a straightforward process; it demands a comprehensive perspective with fully integrated solutions.


Acquisition Readiness Self-Assessment

Acquisition Readiness

Beyond “qualified,” the right buyer understands their value and how to strategically benefit from an intended acquisition.

The Perfect Fit

The Perfect Fit

While price plays a role in deals, it has much more to do with the merging or acquiring entity’s vision and proposed deal terms.

Successful Buyer

What Makes a
Successful Buyer

Successful buyers are those willing to put in the work to prepare their business, and take care to make the transition as smooth as possible for the outgoing owner and new clients.

Succession Planning

An Owner's Guide to Succession Planning

An Owner's Guide to
Succession Planning

Watch our webinar to see to David Grau, Sr., founder of FP Transitions, discuss pivotal moments in developing your succession plan.

Identifying Key Successor Traits

Identifying Key
Successor Traits

Taking the next steps and offering ownership opportunities to your most valuable employees can enhance growth and ensure the long-term success of your business for future generations.

Aligning Ownership Priorities for Success

Aligning Ownership
Priorities for Success

Different individuals may have different priorities, but ultimately, the real aim is to work toward what is best for the company.


Understanding Market Value

Market Value

Determining accurate value is the starting point for any path for your business, whether it’s selling (internally or externally), acquisition, creating enhanced structures and systems, or building a powerful team.

10 Reasons to Value and Monitor Your Practice

10 Reasons to Value &
Monitor Your Practice

Understanding value and monitoring it over time is the starting point for every business plan: organic growth, acquisition, succession, talent recruitment, everything.

Membership Services

Advisory Firm Growth & Business Insights

Advisory Firm Growth &
Business Insights

Growth requires intentionality and a fact-based strategy. Key data points into your current practice can power the necessary insights to devise the right growth strategy for you.

Mark, Measure, Monitor and Master Key Performance Indicators

Mark, Measure,
Monitor and Master
Key Performance Indicators

Understanding how your KPIs align with your unique business goals allows you to make strategic decisions about your business.

Top 6 Ways to Grow Your Business

Top 6 Ways to
Grow Your Business

Business growth is an ongoing and evolving goal for all business owners, including financial planners. Here are some tips to aid in expanding your financial planning business.

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