Top 6 Ways to Grow Your Business

Posted by FP Transitions on Apr 11, 2022 2:30:00 PM

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Business growth is a never-ending, and ever-changing objective of all business owners; financial planners included. While the lingering social effects of the pandemic and the challenges of upscaling during the Great Resignation/ Reshuffle can make the task-at-hand seem insurmountable, there are still tangible ways that you can steer the course of your enterprise. Here are a few tips to help grow your financial planning business.

1. Invest in Human Capital
Most advisors have built their business from nothing into their single most valuable asset. Finding talent can be a challenge these days, especially with unemployment settling into lows not seen in over 50 years. Data from FP Transition's Valuation Database has indicated that businesses with multiple professionals accumulate assets at a higher rate than sole practitioners. As your business matures, it is imperative to invest in the next generation of talent, to keep the engine running while you begin to enjoy the reward for what you’ve built.

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Topics: Acquisition, Multi-Generational Ownership, Business Growth, Tip of the Week, Revenue Strength, Enterprise Strength, Business Value, Buying & Selling, Next Generation, Talent Recruitment, Building Your Team, Client Trust, Business Operations, Trends

LLC vs. Corporation. Which entity structure fits your goals?

Posted by FP Transitions on Feb 23, 2022 1:32:32 PM

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LLC vs. Corporation. Which entity structure fits your goals?

Building a solid foundation for your business begins with selecting a legal entity and tax structure that will be most beneficial for your circumstances. When choosing the right entity for your business, it is important to identify both your short- and long-term personal and professional goals and consider the pros and cons of each option. Ultimately, a properly structured entity is foundational for growth and prosperity because cash flow and value are directly linked through a practice’s organizational and compensation structure. 

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Topics: Succession Planning, Organizational Structure, Business Growth, Tip of the Week, State of the Market, Exit Planning, Next Generation, Sustainability, Wealth Management, Valuation & Appraisal, Business Operations

Addressing Sustainability – One step at a time.

Posted by FP Transitions on Feb 8, 2022 8:55:24 AM

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Topics: Continuity Planning, Webcasts, Multi-Generational Ownership, Organizational Structure, Business Growth, Tip of the Week, Business Value, Client Success, Sustainability, Client Relationships, Business Operations

11 Places to Find Top Talent

Posted by Kem Taylor on Nov 29, 2021 7:57:00 AM

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Finding and recruiting talented professionals can be time consuming and intimidating. In this industry, online job boards like Indeed and Monster are not all that relevant. There are many other - better - places to locate up-and-coming talent. Whether you’re looking to recruit experienced advisory professionals, or fresh, new graduates, the following are 11 places for sourcing the best talent.

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Topics: Multi-Generational Ownership, Organizational Structure, Culture, Tip of the Week, Next Generation, Talent Recruitment, Sustainability, Building Your Team

KPIs. What are Key Performance Indicators, and how do you Leverage them?

Posted by FP Transitions on Nov 29, 2021 7:47:00 AM

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KPIs, or Key Performance Indicators

During a recent webinar hosted by FP Transitions, several attendees had questions about KPIs. Marcus Hagood Director of  Equity Management Solutions®at FP Transitions, and Mike McKennon, EMS™ Consultant at FPT, had previously hosted a webinar on KPIs, and many of those key points are featured in the following post.

Knowing the KPIs

The industry is flush with discussions of KPIs. Surely, you’ve heard the term before, or perhaps seen these indexes described as performance metrics, key variables or key success indicators. At FP Transitions, we use the term Key Performance Indicator; but ultimately, the data these terms convey is the same. KPIs are a unit of measurement leveraged to help you determine where your business is at, where you want to go, and will ultimately provide you with a road map of how you should proceed on your journey.

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Topics: Webcasts, Business Growth, Tip of the Week, Deal Structure, State of the Market, Sustainability, Benchmarking, Valuation & Appraisal, Business Operations

Acquisition Tip of the Week #10

Posted by FP Transitions on Jan 26, 2016 11:39:00 AM

One of the most important factors in structuring an acquisition deal is figuring out payment terms, including down payments, payments schedules, and expected annual adjustments, if any. It has become a common practice to fully buy out a business over the course of 4-6 years, and that a seller must wait until then to receive the full value of their business. But what if there was another way?

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Topics: Acquisition, Tip of the Week, Financing, Bank Financing

Acquisition Tip of the Week #9

Posted by FP Transitions on Jan 13, 2016 10:09:00 AM

In our experience, the smoothest, most successful deals come from buyers and sellers who build a rapport, and cultivate trust through transparency.


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Topics: Acquisition, Tip of the Week, Due Diligence

Acquisition Tip of the Week #8

Posted by FP Transitions on Jan 6, 2016 1:00:00 PM

In our experience, the smoothest, most successful deals come from buyers and sellers who build a rapport and cultivate trust through transparency.

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Topics: Acquisition, Tip of the Week, Deal Structure

Acquisition Tip of the Week #7

Posted by FP Transitions on Dec 16, 2015 1:00:00 PM

Why doesn’t “all cash” equal best buyer? Our listings director Jeanie Northcutt tells you why in our latest Acquisition Tip of the Week.

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Topics: Acquisition, Tip of the Week

Acquisition Tip of the Week #6

Posted by FP Transitions on Dec 9, 2015 9:26:07 AM

There’s a big difference between just knowing you’re the best and proving you’re the best to a seller who doesn’t know you at all.

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Topics: Tip of the Week