Mirror, Mirror

Posted by Laurie Nichols, RLP, CPC & ELI—MP on Dec 7, 2016 9:00:30 AM


This is the third piece in our series with guest writer Laurie Nichols (read the first here and the second here) that chronicles her personal journey of selling her her business four years ago.

After spending nearly 30 years in financial services, including more than a decade wearing the Chief Compliance Officer hat, I don’t often make definitive claims or promises.

However, as I reflect on what has brought me to where I am now—living and working with renewed energy and excited about the future—there is something I know for sure: A successful transition from business owner to an inspiring next chapter starts with looking in the mirror and challenging yourself. 

How I Know

As I started to experience some “mid-life wake up calls,” both personally and professionally, I resisted looking at the truth of where I was in a holistic way.

I was a worrier. A deeply committed worrier who thought the key to financial security and success was to just keep pushing the same old boulder up hill and hoping it wouldn’t roll down.

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Topics: Selling Your Practice, Guest, Exit Planning

Someday is Today

Posted by Laurie Nichols, RLP, CPC & ELI—MP on Oct 12, 2016 1:34:47 PM


After Laurie Nichols out of her business four years ago - a transition that took her on a personal goal-setting journey (read about it in her first guest post here)- she was able to look back on the importance of planning ahead for a successful exit and future for herself and her business.

Over the years, as my partners and I grew our business, opportunities to monetize seemed to crop up regularly. We figured we had time though and relaxed into our comfortable position on the fence certain of a “someday score”–we thought there’d always be someone eager to buy and we’d be set.

We had no dates, no planning tasks, no target successor profile. We coasted on autopilot and didn’t really think much about someday–except the occasional fantasy about the cash out sure to come.

Wake up

Then, about 10 years ago, the wake up calls started and we realized someday was upon us with no “score” in sight. As I look back on my transformation from shareholder to seller, three particular wake up calls stand out as crossroads that could have easily been ignored.

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Topics: Selling Your Practice, Guest, Exit Planning

Thriving from the Other Side of Selling

Posted by Laurie Nichols, RLP, CPC & ELI—MP on Sep 7, 2016 10:32:08 AM

Thriving from the Other Side of Selling

The 4-year anniversary of the sale of my financial advisory business is rapidly approaching. 

The memories from 30 years spent in the financial services world, including 20 as a managing partner, haven’t completely faded yet. But the time away has allowed for a fresher perspective on the journey that brought me to where I am today.

It feels pretty amazing reporting from the other side of selling a business in the investment world. There are a blend of emotions—gratitude, energy, purpose and, most importantly, happiness.

I didn’t always feel this way.

Ownership Decisions

Being one of three shareholders in a “boutique” firm was like riding a roller coaster—at times completely exhilarating, and at others, totally terrifying.

We had the usual business challenges—market volatility, staffing issues, compliance rules, fee pressures. Fortunately, the successes we achieved far outweighed these challenges.

As the years ticked by, our commitment to making decisions that would ultimately benefit us when it came time for succession paid off. All the usual processes that are part of a sale were relatively (and fortunately) uneventful—due diligence review, operational preparation, deal structure, and transition. 

The Internal Struggle

What took me most by surprise was the internal tug of war; the mental and emotional in-fighting I started to experience. My self-doubts and fears kicked into overdrive. Why was this so hard? This is what we had all agreed we wanted, right? What if the clients are upset? What if I don’t like it?

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Topics: Selling Your Practice, Guest

M&A Data Release

Posted by FP Transitions on Jul 1, 2016 11:29:09 AM

At FP Transitions, we’ve been valuing financial advisory practices and facilitating their transitions on the open market for almost two decades. In that time we’ve amassed the industry’s largest, most comprehensive database of financial advisor data. This year’s data tells the story of a robust Mergers & Acquisitions market despite industry uncertainties. 


This year’s M&A webcast looks back over the last five years of advisor data to bring you a new perspective on the M&A market and the future of your business. Preview the presenation below, or click here to watch the full video. 

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Topics: Succession Planning, Selling Your Practice, M&A, State of the Market, Exit Planning

Industry Headwinds [NEW WEBCAST]

Posted by FP Transitions on Jun 9, 2016 1:56:37 PM

In an industry where the ability to adapt is crucial, it speaks volumes that the current volatility is making many financial professionals nervous. New standards, laws, regulators, and even technology threaten to make a huge impact on single-owner practices and multi-generational firms alike.

Practices who have planned ahead and spent time bolstering their revenue and enterprise strengths are likely to fare better, and those have put off building are bound to feel the effects of these headwinds more acutely.

In our newest webcast, FP Transitions founder and CEO, David Grau Sr., J.D., along with our VP of Research and Analytics, Eric Leeper, discuss:

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Topics: Succession Planning, Selling Your Practice, M&A, State of the Market, Exit Planning

Gaining Peace of Mind: Tips for Selling Your Practice

Posted by Jeanie O'Reilly Northcutt on Aug 19, 2015 10:00:00 AM


After being in the financial services industry for over a decade, there is one thing I have found to be an almost universal truth: Independent financial advisors absolutely love what they do. The topic of selling is often sensitive and difficult for advisors who have been growing an independent practice for the majority of their careers.

Many advisors who have built their practices from the ground up are not always ready to sell and walk away. There are some, however, who are ready to slow down after years of a rewarding career and view selling as a path to retirement. Whatever the situation may be, there are several things that you should consider if you want to receive the full value of your practice while also finding the best fit for your clients.

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Topics: Selling Your Practice, Acquisition, Buying & Selling

One Chance to Do it Right : A Seller's Story [CASE STUDY]

Posted by FP Transitions on Feb 23, 2015 2:00:00 PM

The decision to sell a financial services practice is a difficult one for any advisor to make. After a lifetime of work to build your business, how do you just turn it over to someone else? Will they work as hard as you have? Will they care for your clients as much as you do?

When selling your practice, you get just one chance to do it right.

We recently spoke with one of our clients about their journey to selling their business. Their story provides unique insights into the process, and illustrates the opportunities–and the mistakes–that many first time sellers make.

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Topics: Selling Your Practice, Acquisition

Boosting Curb Appeal

Posted by FP Transitions on Nov 11, 2014 2:30:00 PM

There is much to consider when determining and receiving the true value of your financial services practice, things like assets under management, client demographics, revenue mix, likely employee and client retention, and, of course, cash flow. Check out Wealth Management's recent article, "Boosting Curb Appeal" by Anne Field, for advisor experiences when it comes to looking at all the factors of practice value, including 25-year industry veteran Elizabeth Brickman who valued and sold her business with the help of FP Transitions, but not before realizing the importance of preparation and targeted growth prior to selling.

Understanding all the little things that boost the value of your business will not only benefit you should you decide to sell, but will help you identify areas on which to concentrate on to promote growth.

Read the full article here.


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Topics: Selling Your Practice, Acquisition, Business Value, FPT in the News

Isn't it Ironic?

Posted by FP Transitions on Jun 6, 2014 1:40:00 PM

“Isn't it ironic? Most independent financial advisers have no exit strategy and let their firms die through attrition.”

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Topics: Selling Your Practice, Acquisition, Business Value, FPT in the News