CASE STUDY: Open Market Redemption

Posted by FP Transitions on Sep 27, 2016 9:40:43 AM

Open Market Redemption for a Confident Seller - Case Study

When it comes to finding the right buyer, the prospective buyer pool need not be large if it is filled with candidates that fit your criteria and are willing to meet your terms. 

Our newest case study follows the story of one seller who was left at the proverbial altar by a qualified buyer, then found a better match–and an above market offer–using the FP Transitions open market system.

After being burned by an independently found buyer, this seller turned to the FP open market, determined not to be taken advantage of again.

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Topics: Acquisition, M&A, Buying & Selling

NEW BOOK - Now Available

Posted by FP Transitions on Aug 31, 2016 10:42:55 AM

Our new book Buying, Selling, & Valuing Financial Practices - The FP Transitions M&A Guide is now available. Order your copy here, and watch the video below to find out why our President & Founder, David Grau Sr., JD decided to [literally] write the book on Mergers & Acquisitions for the financial services industry.

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Topics: Acquisition, M&A, Business Value, Buying & Selling, "Buying, Selling, and Valuing Financial Practices", Published

M&A Data Release

Posted by FP Transitions on Jul 1, 2016 11:29:09 AM

At FP Transitions, we’ve been valuing financial advisory practices and facilitating their transitions on the open market for almost two decades. In that time we’ve amassed the industry’s largest, most comprehensive database of financial advisor data. This year’s data tells the story of a robust Mergers & Acquisitions market despite industry uncertainties. 


This year’s M&A webcast looks back over the last five years of advisor data to bring you a new perspective on the M&A market and the future of your business. Preview the presenation below, or click here to watch the full video. 

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Topics: Succession Planning, Selling Your Practice, M&A, State of the Market, Exit Planning

Industry Headwinds [NEW WEBCAST]

Posted by FP Transitions on Jun 9, 2016 1:56:37 PM

In an industry where the ability to adapt is crucial, it speaks volumes that the current volatility is making many financial professionals nervous. New standards, laws, regulators, and even technology threaten to make a huge impact on single-owner practices and multi-generational firms alike.

Practices who have planned ahead and spent time bolstering their revenue and enterprise strengths are likely to fare better, and those have put off building are bound to feel the effects of these headwinds more acutely.

In our newest webcast, FP Transitions founder and CEO, David Grau Sr., J.D., along with our VP of Research and Analytics, Eric Leeper, discuss:

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Topics: Succession Planning, Selling Your Practice, M&A, State of the Market, Exit Planning

CASE STUDY: Acquisition Wrap Up

Posted by FP Transitions on Mar 24, 2016 9:13:11 AM


“In the acquisition marketplace, the impression you create can make or break your success. The market is competitive, the industry is tightly regulated, and decisions can be made based on intangible matching criteria and gut feeling. This is the real story of three buyers, and how their various approaches to the transaction ultimately led one to the winner’s circle.”

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Topics: Acquisition, M&A, Buying & Selling