Great opportunity comes often with great risk. But just as importantly, and far more prevalently, everyday challenges wear on us, too. How many times have you had the same conversation with a client about opening that 529? Or upping that 401k contribution? They want to do it – so they say – but they keep showing up for meetings without having done it.
Ideas Without Action? You’re Not Alone.
Topics: Succession Planning, Business Value, Transition Plan, Continuity, Sustainability, Leadership, Valuation & Appraisal, KPI, marketing, valuation
Tips for Increasing Firm Value
You invest a substantial amount of energy into running, growing, and evolving your business. Knowing when, where, and how to best direct your efforts could mean the difference in thousands, or even millions, of dollars long-term. Having spent two decades accruing and organizing essential datapoints on more than 15,000 businesses, we’ve got a tight grasp on what matters most at each step of the way.
Depending upon your goals, certain areas will move the needle faster than others. Rather than guess at the best use of your limited resources, our team has compiled a list of places where your ownership and C-Suite team can start assessing opportunities for increased firm value.
Topics: Selling Your Practice, Business Growth, M&A, Revenue Strength, Business Value, Revenue Sharing, Multiples, Benchmarking, Valuation & Appraisal, KPI
Mark, Measure, Monitor and Master KPIs to Maximize Growth, Profit, and Value
Key performance indicators, or KPIs, are data points which help businesses assess progress towards an intended result. Ensuring you take the time to Mark, Measure, Monitor, and Master those KPIs which will help you manage, protect, and grow the equity value of your business.
Topics: Benchmarking, KPI, EMS