The Invaluable Role of Mediator in M&A

Posted by FP Transitions on Sep 12, 2023 8:00:00 AM

Blog Refresh - Is Mediation For Your Deal a Good Investment

Whether you’re buying or selling a business, there are a few players that are “must-haves” on your transaction team: personal lawyer, CPA/Tax professional, representative of your IBD/Custodian, personal stakeholders, and a non-advocate, industry-experienced mediator. 

The role of each of these players is important to the overall success of your deal, however, the mediator can sometimes be overlooked–often to the disadvantage of your deal. So, why are they so important?

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Topics: Selling Your Practice, Acquisition, Buying & Selling, Trends in Transactions Study, Transactions

Strength in the Marketplace - M&A Playbook

Posted by FP Transitions on Sep 7, 2023 12:39:00 PM

How has marketplace strength held on throughout 2023?

We've seen a really strong M&A marketplace in 2023. Demand is still really strong. As we've consistently had at least over the last five years, we've got an inverse in terms of there's a really strong demand and not a whole lot of supply. And that trend has continued in through 2023.

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Topics: Acquisition, Buying & Selling, Open Marketplace, M&A Playbook

Independent Advisors Will Unlock the Future (If They Can Hold Onto the Keys)

Posted by FP Transitions on Sep 5, 2023 9:15:00 AM


Even though it had been in the works for years, last month’s Schwab/Ameritrade merger left both organizations’ advisors wondering what it meant for them. The good news is that the transition has been seen as largely successful, with only some tech snafus which, let’s be honest, is to be expected when you’re talking about huge platform changes for millions of accounts. Adapting to change rarely happens overnight.

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Topics: Selling Your Practice, Acquisition, M&A, Deal Structure, Buying & Selling

Why Your Next-Gen Stakeholders Should Be a Part of Your M&A Discussions - M&A Playbook

Posted by James Fisher, JD on Aug 31, 2023 10:21:49 AM

In this episode of the M&A playbook, James Fisher, JD, VP of M&A and Principal at FP Transitions, shares why your leading next-gen talent should be included in your decisions to buy, sell, or merge your business. As future leaders and owners of your business, you should consider their opinions and priorities for the future of the business.

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Topics: Acquisition, Buying & Selling, Mergers, Next Generation

Selling Your Practice, One Chance to Do it Right

Posted by FP Transitions on Aug 30, 2023 9:30:00 AM

Blog - Selling your practice, One chance to do it right

The decision to sell a financial services practice is a difficult one for any advisor to make. After a lifetime of work to build your business, and after years of earning your clients’ trust, how do you turn the job over to someone else? Will they work as hard as you have? Will they care as much as you do? Will they always put your clients’ interests first? When selling your practice, you get just one chance to do it right. The following case study provides some unique insights into the process and illustrates the opportunities, and the mistakes, that many first time sellers make:

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Topics: Selling Your Practice, Acquisition, M&A, Deal Structure, Buying & Selling

What We Wish Borrowers Knew with Oak Street Funding - M&A Playbook

Posted by FP Transitions on Aug 23, 2023 3:43:33 PM

This week's playbook highlights very important insights for first time borrowers from our friend Susie McEuen at Oak Street Funding.

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Topics: Acquisition, Financing, Buying & Selling, Open Marketplace, M&A Playbook

What Makes a Firm Desirable? - M&A Playbook

Posted by James Fisher, JD on Aug 10, 2023 3:23:00 PM

What makes a financial services firm more desirable on the open market? 

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Topics: Selling Your Practice, Acquisition, Buying & Selling, Open Marketplace, M&A Playbook

Price, Not Value, Is a Product of Negotiation

Posted by FP Transitions on Jul 24, 2023 9:00:00 AM


Price is usually the most difficult hurdle for buyers and sellers to overcome. The value of a business is different for each party participating in a transaction and is based on opinion and the specific set of circumstances for each individual. Price, on the other hand, is the number at which the transaction is executed. Yes, value informs price, but it is not the only influencer. Price is also the result of good faith negotiations between buyer and seller. While negotiation does not necessarily impact each party’s perception of value, it allows for dialogue so that both sides arrive at a price where the value for each individual overlaps and a mutually beneficial deal can be struck.

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Topics: Selling Your Practice, Acquisition, M&A, Business Value, Deal Structure, Buying & Selling, Mergers

Lending Advice from FP Transitions and Oak Street Funding

Posted by FP Transitions on Jul 6, 2023 9:00:00 AM

M&A Playbook Header

What we wish everyone knew about succession planning.

We sat down with lenders, analysts and valuation experts to talk about what really happens in succession planning. Four seasoned professionals weighed in, and the answers are remarkably candid.

Many advisors forget to view their financial advisory business as their largest personal asset. Focusing on clients is imperative, but caring for your firm is also an exceptionally important part of this. Leveraging experts like FP Transitions to develop a robust and tailored succession plan means hiring a team of professionals who know every. single. thing. about succession planning for financial advisors. 

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Topics: Succession Planning, Acquisition, Financing, Transition Plan, Valuation & Appraisal, Transactions

Avoiding Deal Fatigue - FPT M&A Playbook

Posted by James Fisher, JD on May 15, 2023 9:30:00 AM

In this M&A Playbook episode James Fisher, JD, VP of M&A and Principal at FP Transitions, shares insight on one of the biggest threats to your transaction–deal fatigue.

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Topics: Acquisition, Deal Structure, Buying & Selling, Mergers