FP Transitions Named Top 10 Valuation Service Companies - CFO Tech Outlook

Posted by FP Transitions on Aug 18, 2021 10:50:48 AM

We're pleased to announce that FP Transitions was named one of CFO Tech Outlook's Top 10 Valuation Service Companies of 2021, recognizing FP Transitions' efforts and placing our team at "the forefront of providing Valuation consulting services and transforming businesses." 

The publication accolades were accompanied by an article: "FP Transitions: Providing Comprehensive Valuation Services," featuring our Ryan Grau, CVA, CBA, Partner and VP of Business Valuation Services. The full text of which can be viewed below or by clicking here.

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Topics: Business Value, FPT in the News, Benchmarking, Valuation & Appraisal

Mid-Year Market Update - Key Insights

Posted by FP Transitions on Aug 9, 2021 3:07:11 PM

Last month our M&A Director James Fisher, JD and CEO Brad Bueermann delivered our 2021 Mid-Year Market Update and explored marketplace activity for the first half of 2021.

We all know that 2020 was a truly unique year on all fronts. The financial services M&A marketplace was no exception (as we discussed back in January).  The effects of 2020 have carried over into 2021 and have impacted transactions in some unexpected ways–and have potentially changed deal term norms from here on out.

Our full Mid-Year Market Update presentation was close to 60 minutes, including a live Q&A session, and covered up-to-date transaction data and trends, realities of today's industry, qualities of successful buyers, and common acquisition misconceptions.

To focus in on some of the most important highlights from the session, Craig Strauser sat down with James Fisher, JD to discuss them further. Watch their chat below.

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Topics: Compensation, Business Growth, Sustainability, Enterprise

Balancing Enterprise Strength and Revenue Strength

Posted by FP Transitions on Jul 30, 2021 3:29:19 PM

Balancing Enterprise Strength and Revenue Strength

Many financial services businesses focus on revenue strength while downplaying–or ignoring–enterprise strength. However, revenue strength and enterprise strength are both critical to the growth and sustainability of a business. When revenue is the sole driver of your value, you’re leaving money on the table and jeopardizing the long-term success of the business.

Since revenue and enterprise strength influence the value of your business in different ways, it's crucial to understand these differences and why balancing the two is so important. While clients, fees, and assets under management (AUM) pay the bills, the absence of a solid business infrastructure will put a company's longevity at risk. Whether you’re determined to create explosive business growth or have a sale–external or internal–on the horizon, knowing how to position your company now can result in a higher return on your efforts and investment for the years to come.

Revenue vs. Enterprise Strength

Revenue strength represents the source, quantity, and quality of your cash flow. This includes your active income generated based on advisory fees, commissions, and other financial planning services. Revenue strength accounts for your team’s compensation and other business expenses. Revenue strength represents the top-line accounting of the business.

It's the value of your book.

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Topics: Business Growth, Revenue Strength, Enterprise Strength, Cash Flow, Sustainability

The Fine Art of Enterprise Consulting

Posted by David Grau Sr., JD on Jul 26, 2021 5:10:17 PM


FP Transitions conducted most of its work by phone and video conferencing long before the virus made this approach commonplace. So, it is with a great deal of humility, and a little courage, that we admit that even after two decades of honing our craft, we’re still perfecting how to provide consulting solutions in this fashion, to this unique profession.

Providing advice over a phone line or a computer isn’t all that difficult; what’s harder is gathering enough high-quality and relevant information to diagnose the problem or problems and then to provide customized, accurate and practical solutions. To do all that, we’ve had to learn how to listen at a professional level–and we had to design those systems and processes almost from scratch.

The mistake that almost all consultants and coaches in this industry make is to try to get an advisor on board as quickly as possible so that, as information providers, they don’t give away too much up front or spend too long trying to help only to be passed over as the service provider. The process usually comes down to 30 minutes of discussion and then a quick diagnosis that best fits what the consultant or coach has to sell, rather than what the client truly needs.

We don’t do it that way.

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Topics: Compensation, Business Growth, Sustainability, Enterprise

Estimating Value Based on Recurring Revenue

Posted by FP Transitions on Jun 7, 2021 2:18:00 PM

estimating Value blog banner

Recurring revenue is one of the most important single determinants of value. Revenue produced through management fees, trails, or renewals is ongoing and reasonably predictable. Transactional revenue is more elusive and difficult to predict. While this isn’t cutting edge news, it is important to understand that recurring revenue is more predictable and presents less risk of future earnings when compared to transactional revenue. As such, when a portion of revenue is generated from transactional revenue, buyers will require a higher rate of return (discount) when compared to other market alternatives that provide more certainty.

Rule of Thumb?

It is important to understand the difference between an adjusted pricing multiple based on the specific characteristics of the business being valued versus a “rule of thumb.” A rule of thumb for the financial services industry is that businesses sell for two-times gross recurring revenue and one-times non-recurring revenue, or that they are worth five-times Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization (EBITDA). Often sellers approach us asking if the offer they have received based on a rule of thumb is sufficient or fair. This question cannot reasonably be answered without understanding the revenue characteristics of the practice.

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Topics: Business Growth, Revenue Strength, Business Value, Multiples

Aligning Ownership Priorities for Success

Posted by Kem Taylor on Jan 28, 2021 2:17:34 PM

Succession Blog Aligning Ownership Priorities

In our more than twenty years’ experience helping businesses design and implement internal succession plans, we’ve seen that each generation—G1, G2, and G3—can, naturally, have their own distinct points of view and priorities. These differences are common and normal. By acknowledging these differences and communicating with each other, teams can adjust their expectations, align their priorities, and see their transition plans work out to the satisfaction of everybody.

But how do you align different priorities within your own ownership team? Below are three examples of how to facilitate this alignment. These examples are not of particular clients, but are taken from a conglomeration of advisor situations over the years.

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Topics: Succession Planning, Acquisition, Business Growth, Next Generation

The Opportunity of a New Year

Posted by FP Transitions on Jan 4, 2021 2:47:00 PM


Happy New Year!

More than ever, we look forward to 2021 with the sense of reset and resolution that comes with the changing of the calendar year. We can breathe a sigh of relief that we made it through the chaos and onslaught of 2020.

If we take a moment to look back before we look ahead, we can see just how far we’ve come and how resilient we’ve been as a community of global citizens, financial professionals, and business owners. 

In terms of M&A activity, the financial services industry has held its ground despite the market downturn that came earlier in the year. This is a reflection of the shrewdness of professionals like yourself. In the face of market uncertainty, you rose to the challenge, adapted as necessary, and pushed forward.

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Topics: M&A, State of the Market, FPT in the News

Managing Roadblocks Along the Next-Gen Ownership Path

Posted by FP Transitions on Dec 8, 2020 7:24:01 AM


When it comes to planning for the future, flexibility is important. Change is bound to happen–whether we see it coming or not. Planning for future growth and ownership of a business is no different. As a next-generation professional in this industry, being able to adjust your course while keeping your eye on the ball is imperative.

In the past, we’ve written about how founders and existing ownership teams can prepare for and adapt to changes that might come their way. While next-generation professionals may encounter similar roadblocks, you will face unique challenges of your own. In the current phase of your career–building experience, relationships, and leadership potential–the course correction discussion is less about planning for the future of a business as an owner, and more about carefully plotting the future of your career.

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Topics: Succession Planning, Multi-Generational Ownership, Next Generation

The Case Against Revenue Splits [Article]

Posted by FP Transitions on Oct 28, 2020 6:16:00 AM

With all of the modern tools for practice valuations and Equity Management Solutions® available, some financial advisors still choose to use revenue splits, or a revenue-sharing arrangement, as a makeshift succession plan. For a practice owner, this can be a poor and shortsighted business decision for several reasons, including:

  • Unfavorable tax implications.
  • Potential asset and client disputes.
  • Reduced business value.
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Topics: Compensation, Succession Planning, Enterprise Strength, Cash Flow, Sustainability

Identifying Key Successor Traits

Posted by FP Transitions on Oct 21, 2020 6:19:34 PM

Identifying Key Successor Traits

As an owner of a successful financial advisory business, you understand that the team you’ve built is vital to that success. Taking the next step and giving your top talent the opportunity to become owners can increase your growth and ensure that the business will continue to be successful–for generations to come.

Assembling this successor team and committing to a long-term partnership are important and weighty decisions. How will you know who will make a good partner? What traits and behaviors suggest that someone will make a successful owner? Much of that depends on your own values and priorities as the majority owner of your firm.

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Topics: Succession Planning, Next Generation, Sustainability, Building Your Team